Rebecca Northcott Photography

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Blog Savvy

I'm really happy to be getting used to being blog savvy - Ive learnt a few tips including right click protecting my images. So if you would like to have a copy of my image please do get in touch with me as I am commited to a creative commons usage if you would like to read more about this click here 

Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.[1] The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators.

I havnt done too many exciting things this week but have got to see my friend again always good especially when they bring round unexpected chocolate fudge cake YUMMY! I am trying to keep positive in times of trial and strain. As I was once told no one wants to know you when your a winge! Its so true...I have seen people who have gone through so many more hard things than me and STILL keep a positive outlook! I need to be better at this and make my life generally better. I have been putting goals into process so I am looking forward to what lies ahead - I heard the most simple advice the other day and that was. "Even if you have a bad day keep on going because everyone has a bad day - you just have to have more GOOD than BAD days to succeed" and I know that is like HELLO OBVIOUS but I really needed to hear that because I beat myself up if I am not perfect. I am thankful for friends and family though who keep my head right and keep me focussed. I love you!!!

I am so thankful for my parents right now they have been such a huge support - I know I always appreciated them but my love have grown for them so much. They truly are amazing people who inspire me everday. They are so humble and will give everything they have to help others. I truly am a lucky person...

If your reading this - write a note to the person or people you love most and make sure you let them know exactly how you feel because since my uncle passed away I wished I had told him more. So dont delay!


Just because I hate wastes of space...

I love to...make silly faces
I love to...make new friends

I love to...take pretty pictures

I love to...sing till hubby tells me Im too loud

I love to...just be myself

I love with my family

I love to...learn anything as long as its good

I love to...blogity bloggg

1 comment:

Elder L and Sister T said...

Becky, you make me laugh! I love the picture.

Daisypath Anniversary tickers