Rebecca Northcott Photography

Thursday, 16 June 2005

thoughts from Institute...

  • i was sat in the class tonight thinking as i always do, i probably never say anything because im in sheer fascination at the example from the scriptures and especially tonight, how Joseph Smith coped getting surgery on his leg with no pain relief, basically being prised apart, and we discussed that we dont go through hard things in our life for nothing, we need things to try us and thats essential for our growth, man i dont think i could do what he did! it truly was a miricle, i loved how Brother Rickford taught, it really hit me personally, would i be so valiant?...
  • ...i was also thinking how hard some descisions are in our lives, not between good or bad but good and better. as in for our education, our career path and our progression, the most thing that needs to happen is to follow the spirits promptings and also be obedient to what the Lord desires for us, sometimes that can be the most unrealistic goal, or something you couldnt do your naturla self. i think even if others tell you your silly for the choice you have made, if you are meant to go there will be a way prepared for you! i think myself especially faith, obedience and nourishing my testimony need to be deepened to carry out my quest...
  • ...alot of these thoughts have been circulating my mind recently, like trying to make the best of what you can do in your own circle of influence, being the best you can - service, charity, love and deepened understanding for those arround us. maybe im being too random. but i know i need to trust in my own nature and my self to be able to do the best i can do right now! and thats what is important, WOW alot from that lesson its always nice to ponder on these things everyone should BLOG on how they liked the lesson!

Monday, 13 June 2005

LETS DANCEEEE Posted by Hello

AND CLAP.... Posted by Hello

Seminary Grads...2005 Posted by Hello

Start of the ball Posted by Hello

Sunday, 12 June 2005

Supporting the Family!

This weekend was really important for both my friends and family for me to support, i got given a topic to speak on next sunday and so its prompted me to think furthur on what im going to be speaking on, Honoring my father, but i also likened it while thinking about my whole family, all i can say is what we always have done together is SUPPORT one another we havnt boasted or tried to put our place above the other, when ever we have been there for each other! My Dad asked me to help him out with the Seminary Graduation as he was catering, i knew he was really nervous so i wanted to help in everyway i could, so yeah we got loads of people in my family to help, extended less active and close friends, we all got stuck in! i am realy grateful for good example of the DOERS! not the thinkers not the ones who talk alot, they DO "action is a verb, ITS DOING SOMETHING!" i always remember that, its a very special motto for me! but yeah i wanted to write that, so wish me luck on my talk next week! i should be fine :) Thanks for the complements chris your ACE!
  • Watch out for the Seminary Graduation photos! it was fun i graduated twice what a priveledge!

Wednesday, 8 June 2005

What in the HECK is that?....

while i was travelling in america i had the rare opportunity to experienc a REAL mosquito bite multiple times on my leg, WELL! i was laying in my inflated bed at my brothers and was like ARGH ive been attacked! if anyone has ever experienced one im sure you know how im feeling! but yeah my brother was like jumping over his couch saying lay still and he scraped an 'X' into each of the huge holes in my calf, this memory was not to be forgotten, as i was screeching in pain, but you know what IT WORKED, i had them scab over really fast. why ive shared that with you i will never know. but i also know that you have to be prepared for foreign objects or animals you have never encountered, me being silly as i am thought it was like a snake bite or something to that nature, i think my point is, you never know whats out there so you have to be prepared to encounter these things in you life, not just insects...i mean in a spiritual sense too, i know there are Anti-mormons and those who would love to send us packing as member of the church, but i know that we can be prepared for anything nasty if we armour ourselves with our prayers reading our scriptures and attending church, if we know the truth and have a firm testimony of it, no one no where will be able to take that away from us! :)

Tuesday, 7 June 2005

Leeds Institute...i love that place  Posted by Hello

I love to see the temple.... Posted by Hello

through the key hole!! Posted by Hello

Aly sterling photographer...LV YA! Posted by Hello

The Beauty of a Holy Place....

....i got the priveledge to walk arround the temple yesterday, and it was an unusual day because the mower men where out doing the lawns and others doing the flowers, from week to week i noticed as im going there alot these days there are different features practically all the time i go, maybe in the gardens, maybe next to the temple, or near the distribution, all of it is beautiful. i was also thinking how the temples always seem timeless that you dont need to do anything for its beauty to suceed, but it was actually really nice for me to realise even the temple needs constant care and attention (like us all) to retain its beauty and sacredness. It was really wonderful to be able to experience that, i also thought that to have peace it doesnt need to be quiet, as long as your doing things that are right - peace is something you feel when your busy too! so thats my lil piece for you today :) hope you liked it....

Sunday, 5 June 2005

It's Blogtery!

  • Crazy Random words!
  • isnt it...
  • medium...
  • bogg standard...
  • blitz...
  • nojuju...
  • ouba juba...
  • blaggin...
  • yetti...
  • mutation...
  • nutbar...
  • all these wonderful
  • words in the world of Bex

Questions and Answers!

I'm sat here now just wanting to type away so i thought id answer some questions some of you that have been asking!

  1. Why the name Glamazon? well let me see once upon a time A VERY LONG TIME!! i used to watch a programme called POPULAR the chearleaders where called "the GLAMAZONS" no the word hasnt been deprived from my own imagination(or saying i am GLAMOUR", although i thought about the show and the girl's character, who is like me in ways she was the unpopular girl - the friend to all, but she strived to become a Glamazon not because she would be popular but because she wanted to improve and in the end SHE GOT IT, she kept going until she got her dream, and even made it being the home coming queen, now im not saying i want to be in that situation. But her DETERMINATION is what got me. And what i try to emulate SO THERES YOUR ANSWER :D
  2. Why dont you sing solo? OK the short answer is because im not too good with a microphone and crowds secondly, i think theres many more people who have a beautiful voice than me! ever since i was little my voice just choaks when i am infront of loads of people, thats why i am in choir because i feel supported, and in unity.
  3. Whats the thing that REALLY annoys you? ill spell it out I.G.N.O.R.A.N.C.E. you walk in a room you say hello, and people just look at you like an alien, do i do that to others no I DONT THINK SO, at least i hope not, im not being cheesy but i like to be friends with everyone, and when you are ignored it HURTS! so there you have it...
  4. Do you want to do photography as a Career? YES i do, but i want to include that with digital imaging which also consists of web designing, but i have to go to college/uni to do this space lol!
  5. Whats the best thing you do as a ward missionary? you know what? i love the whole thing, getting to meet new people, teaching them the gospel, working with the missionaries. i have to say overall though, its when i see progress. i have been in many appointments where the investigator is really interested and they have learned so much and you can see they are making the change in their hearts, thats the BEST thing! SO WONDERFUL TO SEE!
  6. Who do you admire the most/your role models? i HAVE to start with my mum her love and support for me is tremendous! i have her to thank for alot on my life - my friend mark because he has been there 24/7 to listen to me go on and waffle, to help me sort my problems out HES FANTASTIC! my friends who all support me, lindsay, vikki, sarah d, ally, hayden, chris, laura, charlene, Andrew P, larissa, and Sara K. I am so thank ful for you all, who needs to follow celebrities when you have stars in your midst? im thankful for my dad and adopted dads Jeff and George and Rob who have shown me who i am, gave me encourage ment and have been sterling examples for me in my life! Elder and Sister Francom who have just BEEN THERE, given me so much love and support, i dont know where i would be without all these people, and if i left you out I STILL LOVE YA!
  7. What would you most like to take photos of? i would like to do waterfalls, periodical photos, and babies (because i havnt covered them yet) but yeah definately those :)

Well there you go there all i can think of right now! so ask me more and ill tell you :D LV ME

Saturday, 4 June 2005

go on squeeze em jafar! sorry AHEM its chris hehe GO CHRISSS hahah bless ya you will have to tell me what you think (i forgot to add this pic) Posted by Hello
  • The song below is a song i really love and wanted to share, its by the maltese artist chiara
  • "ANGEL"

My beautiful cousin Rach...theres beauty in all of us but this girl she is just PURE SUNSHINE Posted by Hello

Representing united nations! Posted by Hello

love these flowers (get to the temple!!) Posted by Hello
Last day of the daffodils! :(

Posted by Hello

Aint trees BRILLIANT?

Posted by Hello

Bring on the talent....

  1. Friends such as these…

  2. Friends that last forever
    Are the ones you want to keep

  3. They forget their selves
    And encourage you to do better

  4. Friend’s open doors you never thought possible
    Make you see the way like no other

  5. They love you even when you’re not so good
    Lift you up, when you’re depressed and down

  6. I’m glad I have a friend like that
    I prayed such a long time for you

  7. To have a friend like I have now
    She is so sweet and loyal and true

  8. I’m grateful to have a friend like you
    You’re everything, just everything to me

  9. Someday I hope I can but repay
    The kindness and love you sent my way

  10. By Rebecca Winter © 2004

This was inspired in my friends house lindsay when we all stuck together and painted all the house together it showed true friendship to one another, it just reminds me of then! but this poem can apply to all who have eternal and lasting friends...

Friday, 3 June 2005

Its all about your ATTITUDE!

Here i am again to tell you my daily thoughts, but i had to write this one down. im sat here now and just got off the phone from my friend, im so thankful he is there to help guide and support me, but most of our conversation was about attitude and the way you look at things in life...i could have taken today as a real down right waste, but no i didnt, i took the opportunity to go and teach with the sisters, we really dont know how lucky we have it! i also had opportunity to help my other friend, i wont say who but due to the days events. She is a beautiful character in and out, her attitute is what gives her the most beauty of all, she radiates confidence, love and positivity. My own attitute reflects what i do in the gospel, if i wanted to be i could be negative but where would that get you? im so thankful for those positive people arround me for the ones who REALLY make a difference to my day and show me a better way! Let me know what you all think YOUR GREAT ALL OF YA!!
  1. My Private Mile

  2. Distil my vivid lack of a memory
    With my thoughts running wild
    Like a weight upon my mind
    The blissful peace and my way with words
    Calm and serene the answer in my heart
    The breeze upon the shore
    Like a referral from my mind
    My skin surrounds my hands and feet
    I walk so imperfectly but still so unique

  3. The wind carries my frame
    And the water soothes my soul
    Sleep deprives me of the restless humid hours
    By the heat the sun on goes
    Production of all things
    Sets in my minds eye
    Spiritual boundaries never set a mark
    Imprints upon my wobbly knees

  4. Like the moon so old and frail
    Of my soon to deteriorate figure
    My blood never did over spill
    The mind goes on mysteriously still
    The water still laps over me
    The wind still blows so slowly
    My heart is an open book
    My soul has been given this life
    For this is my final out look

Another one of my early poem, strange as it is has significant words and phrases that means alot to me and that have been important to me in the past, and even now! ENJOY

  1. Now that we’re together, we are forever…
  2. Now that we’re together
    Things just seem to turn out right
    Now we are forever
    Things make sense for more than a day and a night
  3. Now that we’re together
    We are so happy I can see it in your eyes
    Now we are forever
    I know you where worth the wait to be in my life
  4. Now that we’re together
    We can plan all our dreams and fight all our fears
    Now we are forever
    We can help each other grow strong, through pain and tears
  5. Now that we’re together
    We have a chance to learn and grow
    Now we are forever
    We will forgive our weaknesses and let them go
  6. Now that we’re together
    Life will be hard, but worth it with you
    Now we are forever
    I am grateful for us, now I don’t feel so blue
  7. Now that we’re together
    No one can tear us apart
    Now we are forever
    I will love you with all my heart

I did this poem for my friend who was getting married, i was her bridesmade and my thoughts of them reflected in these verses, its one of my personal favourite poems...

Things that make me happy

Things that make me happy

My family
My friends especially Lindsay
Funny words phrases
Impressions ~ funny faces
Singing ~especially country and M People~
The scriptures
My Bed
The Computer
Funny films
Interesting films
Learning something about myself ~ about others
Making progress
New callings
Missionary work
Listening to General conference or any uplifting talks
When I’ve done something right
Making my family happy
Helping other people
Doing the best in my callings
Pleasing my Heavenly Father

Poetry - Lifes Gallery

Lifes Gallery

Images that quickly fade
Restored in your memory
Only time is a friendly healer
And the swirl of imagination
Picture it in your head
And you’re truly lost in inspiration
Landscapes rearrange
And people change
Rivers never return to normal
And now the storm is over
What so important about that
I hear you prominently ask
I see how each day
The breath I take in
The beauty all around me
The time to stop and take
The picture that will face
Forever in someone’s eye
Making this gallery in their mind
Lasting for eternity

Thursday, 2 June 2005

Random nessecities of the wild one!

  • Well im here again, i dont think many are actually looking here, but hey this is kinda like my journal! so i was sat here pondering my experiences with my photography if it wasnt for personal progress and my general desire to take photos i wouldnt have the talent i do today, i always struggled with my art in school although my teachers always pushed me as they saw i had a gift of some sort, i just had not found that yet, then in year 10 i discovered the masterpiece of digital photography when i used the schools camera in a project for movement, and infact it was warter droplets on a leaf, i had many random comments how wonderful it was. I even liked the final effects of what i had produced, but it didnt start there OH NO! when i started Young Women's, both my Young Women's president Ellie, and a fellow YW was absolutely wonderful at taking film photography they where snap happy, and ever more talented than i knew, so i never even tried it but had a desire to take beautiful photos like i had previously seen with them!
  • so i watched learned then took, and that is history!!! Thanks to my mum and dad they really supported me and got me a digital camera, when they realised i was in serious pursuit of a career of this kind they have encouraged and supported me through all of my artistic endeavours. and i have to say a BIG THANK YOU to them, and also to those early models who took risks with me to pose and be my stars! ok im not perfect now, i still get ugly shots, i still can have my bad days but it is a ability of vision and endurance....and if your still with me THATS WONDERFUL! hope you enjoyed that :D ill write more when my brain lends me a morsel of intelligence,
COMING SOON MY POEMS! your gonna love it...

Wednesday, 1 June 2005

my buddies Posted by Hello

bungie run Posted by Hello

CHARLOTTTTE Posted by Hello


dont mess with BEX!  Posted by Hello

Convention 2005 Posted by Hello

herriot ville Posted by Hello

go on bex Posted by Hello

nooo! Posted by Hello

Pictures from the convention...

Well i thought you would all like to see the photos from the convention we had family feuds, and others simply trying not to slip on the bungie run! it was a class day and weekend ENJOY THE PHOTOS!

My recent photo shoot

Mum's photography...seems to be where i got the talent from :D

My 1st Blog! read it and weap...

...As always ive been inspired to write a blog, so here i am bringing my own juicy slant to you all! well ive had a very intresting week, parties, conventions, temple trips, chatting to new and old friends its been excellent, I REALLY AM THANKFUL FOR THAT CONVENTION! ive been given a negative view in the past of YSA events but that has now changed, thanks to all those who made this weekend possible, you know who you are!!! and that is all for now until i have more to say CYAAA!
Daisypath Anniversary tickers