- i was sat in the class tonight thinking as i always do, i probably never say anything because im in sheer fascination at the example from the scriptures and especially tonight, how Joseph Smith coped getting surgery on his leg with no pain relief, basically being prised apart, and we discussed that we dont go through hard things in our life for nothing, we need things to try us and thats essential for our growth, man i dont think i could do what he did! it truly was a miricle, i loved how Brother Rickford taught, it really hit me personally, would i be so valiant?...
- ...i was also thinking how hard some descisions are in our lives, not between good or bad but good and better. as in for our education, our career path and our progression, the most thing that needs to happen is to follow the spirits promptings and also be obedient to what the Lord desires for us, sometimes that can be the most unrealistic goal, or something you couldnt do your naturla self. i think even if others tell you your silly for the choice you have made, if you are meant to go there will be a way prepared for you! i think myself especially faith, obedience and nourishing my testimony need to be deepened to carry out my quest...
- ...alot of these thoughts have been circulating my mind recently, like trying to make the best of what you can do in your own circle of influence, being the best you can - service, charity, love and deepened understanding for those arround us. maybe im being too random. but i know i need to trust in my own nature and my self to be able to do the best i can do right now! and thats what is important, WOW alot from that lesson its always nice to ponder on these things everyone should BLOG on how they liked the lesson!
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