Whey lets get excited about planting...you really know you want to!!
so the peas have been changed to the bottom garden and I made a trellis or whatever you call the thing that the peas reach and hold onto!! Anyway I spent 3 hours doing that I was quite proud of myself. Also I have transported the strawberries as they had a little accident when the winds blew and before I knew it they were on the floor and looked like they were on their way out dad saved them for me and now they live in a nice big bucket. You will see the photos. We had a new addition to the planting family - we got some given to us by mums good friend and they look really cute too. My dianthus are FINALLY out and thy are bringing some beautiful colours I really REALLY like them! Spring onions I think need some loving...I hope they will be ok. Sadly my morning glorys have passed away from the windy frost....they were doing so well and next day POOF and gone...I am going to grow some more INDOORS! Anyway the poppys are growing well as well so good times here is the photographic evidence of my works!