Rebecca Northcott Photography

Saturday, 5 November 2005

My long awaited Dream...came TRUE!

i wanted to write you a little about the things that happened over the past few months! As those of you may know some may/may not but this months NEW ERA to the right here is my photos, this was a really wonderful experience for me, and i have to thank Fleur for having the faith in me to take the photos for her!

when i was in youth i always dreamed about having soemthing of my own published remember the art contests every year i would always submit and they never made it. Then a year and a half ago, i was asked by Fleur to take photos for her, im like "WHY ME? im not that good!" but i did it anyway i wanted to at least try, the only reason i ever became interested in photos was because i had an interest in another YW and my President's Photography i always loved the clean lines, the interesting landscapes and the beautiful people you can photograph.

As others may know i went to America, just before i left Ryan Carr (the editor for Fleur's article) emailed me and asked if i could possibly go sign the photos over, and go visit the NEW ERA offices. i did and it was an experience of a LIFETIME! Everyone was lovely, i was nervous to meet them all but i went in and sat down. Ryan was a very tall guy but really down to earth, they are all just wonderful but just normal members of the church trying to do their best, i met another editor called Shauna Butler. she was a beautiful lady really kind and generous, warm and friendly, she spoke to me about idaho and her experiences, we spoke about the photos and about how i got into it. a unearthed talent at 13. discovered at 17, developed at 19. mastered SOON!

Next i heard Ryan come into the office, and he says we found the proofs for the issue, YOUR ON THE COVER! i went "WHAT?!?! why i dont understand", i was so in shock. maybe to some people having photos in the NEW ERA is not a big deal to them but to me it means the world! i thanked them soooo many times! they told me "you know many professionals try to get the cover and they just dont get it!" i was in shock even more. i left the building after i had toured and seen the whole top 29th floor, which was so high i could see the WHOLE of salt lake. it was beautiful! you cant imagine how good i felt about what i had achieved, ME a girl who never wins anything, ME a girl who never gets A's or has any real achievement at school. i was SOOOO happy!

I called my mum and dad they where nearly shouting down the phone in amazement, my dad "im so pleased for you pet" mum was just giddy, and i was dancing arround the room, singing and just making a fool of myself hehe! it was 1am in england when i called but they told me it was worth waking up for! it was only a week before i came back to england it was 2 days to conference, i was so lucky to attend, i realised OH MY LIFE the prophet has seen my photos! he has to that he can approve them. i saw him that same sunday and my respect and love for him trippled, quadrupled, oh he is just such a great man. HE IS THE PROPHET!

Finally when i came home dad had TOLD EVERYONE! they all said CONGRADULATIONS, it was and still is quite a blur for me but all the while worth it. i recieved my copy of the NEW ERA yesterday morning. It still doesnt feel like its MY WORK. if that makes sense, its like i have been someone else and like i could not be capeable of something like that. dad told my cousin "its a world wide magazine you know!" again it hit me that the world will see my photos, will i be favoured, or will they be counted as naught? i know not everyone will, but i know they would not put it on the cover if it wasnt worth it, and i know deep down i have a right just as much as anyone else to share my talents. I love this gospel and i know with all my heart its true, i know my saviour lives and he has blessed me with all i have. i know the Book of Mormon is true and i would share it with anyone, im thankful the prophet encouraged us to read it again.

i look forward to all your responses, and the future to come. thanks for all your support and friendship ~ Rebecca

Photography by REW(c) and courtesy of NEW ERA (c)

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